Designed in San Diego, CA.
Moving from the Midwest to the West Coast opened up the door of opportunities for new hobbies and outdoor activities. There was a golf course directly across from me in San Diego and I would see people playing 7-days a week from sunrise to sunset so I asked myself, what's all the hype about?
The first time getting to a driving range was intimidating unsure of what to wear, golf etiquette or even how to punch in the code to get a bucket of balls. However, the second I hit that first one I was hooked. I eventually ended up bringing some of my friends, getting them excited about golf and all of a sudden we all had our own pair of clubs.
I would still consider myself a casual golfer, but was struggling to find something truly comfortable yet stylish to wear - which is where the idea of Harland Threads came from.
Harland Threads is made for woman of all skill levels that want to feel confident from that first swing to that first birdie.